How do I make a complaint?

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If something about your appointment isn’t quite right, usually the easiest way to fix it is to speak to the salon or therapist on the day. We hope that any concerns shared with them can be sorted out on the spot. 

An appointment

We’re sorry that your appointment didn’t go as you’d expect it to. As our partners are responsible for the service you received if you haven’t already, we do ask that you contact them directly: you’ve got their contact details in your confirmation email and the app and raise your complaint with them. They’ll appreciate the feedback and also be able to advise you of any refund or compensation that’s available to you.

How to Submit a Complaint to BewdyBook

If you’d still like to make us aware of your experience, you can submit your complaint to us via chat. In that case, make sure to include this info which will help us to look into it more quickly for you:

  • Order reference
  • Date of the appointment
  • The email address you made to use the booking
  • If you raised your complaint with the service provider directly
  • Any correspondence between yourself and the service provider about your complaint
  • Any supporting images you may have taken
Some information on our website or the app

Please do let us know if you believe any information is inaccurate in any way. We’ll want to know about that asap. Please include in your message to us:

  • The page link
  • Your order reference (if relevant)
  • Any other supporting information, links or images
Something else

If your complaint is about anything else, including Beddybook’s practices, then please tell us here and include:

  • The nature of your complaint
  • Any supporting correspondence, links or images

Please initiate a chat session by clicking on the ‘Chat Support’ button in your BewdyBook account.

What BewdyBook can’t do:

Bewdy can’t authorise a refund on the service provider behalf, nor can we skip around their decision if they choose not to refund. The good news is that our service providers are fair people and do refunds when that’s the right thing to do.



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